Looking back at my preliminary task I have developed more of an understanding towards audience preferences such as the content and colour scheme of my magazines. For the colour scheme of my music magazine I chose colours that were rated as my audience members favourite colours, whereas on the preliminary task I chose colours that I liked. By doing this I made my music magazine more attractive to the audience as it would have been more appealing to them as the colours used were chosen as their favourite.
Moreover, I had a better understand of the software and I was able to create better layouts, this was because I already had the idea of how I wanted my product to look and did not let the software dictate the layout to me, I was able to manipulate the layout to look more like a professional piece. This helped me to make my product seem more appealing to the audience.
Furthermore, I learnt about how creative I could be within the production as in the music magazine I used a basic layout and the images used have not been edited of manipulated in anyway. Whereas on my music magazine I have edited the images I used to make them fit into the style of the magazine for example, I edited my front cover image by cutting out the model used and putting him onto a plain background, as the background of the original picture did not anchor any part of my magazine and would have therefore looked odd as my front cover image.
Throughout the drafting process, I have changed the layout and style of my music magazine to make it look more professional, however the initial planning of my music magazine does not resemble the finished product in anyway. This was because I had to change my design to make it look more professional. Whereas in my school magazine I followed my design and everything on the finished product mirrors the layout that is on the sketches. By doing this I created more of a professional looking product, which in turn would help make my product more attractive to my audience.
I also learnt more about researching into other magazines. I did this so I could have a basic idea of the layout and content of existing music magazines and in turn be able to make my product more professional looking and appealing to the target audience. Whereas, in the production of my school magazine I conducted no research into existing magazines.
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