Thursday, 22 April 2010
Friday, 26 February 2010
Main Task, task 18, Evaluation Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
(a picture of a crowd at a gig which is a likely place for 'indie' social groups to be)
My media product represents the ‘indie’ social group firstly because of the model I used for my front cover image as he complies with the ‘indie’ stereotype this is evident through the clothes that he is wearing, as they are typical ‘indie’ style clothing. Moreover, the style, layout and structure of my magazine are similar to that of other music magazines of the same genre such as NME and Q. Also, my product conforms to the ‘indie’ social group as the content and the bands used for the content anchor the style of music and the kind of bands that the audience listen to. Furthermore, the cover lines I have chosen to use such as ‘Bored of Battered Britain Jamie T leaves these shores for the USA’ imply that the audience will understand what this means, this is because Jamie T is a famous ‘indie’ artist and the audience will more than likely know who he is and understand the story behind the cover line.
Main Task, task 18, Evaluation Question 3
3. What kind of media institution might distribute you media product and why?
IPC Media might distribute my media product because my product differs from the magazine they already produce. They currently produce three different music magazines, NME, Uncut and Guitar & Bass. I think IPC would be an appropriate institution to distribute my product as they do not have a magazine of the same genre that is issued monthly. NME is the same genre of magazine however it is issued weekly. Uncut, is published monthly but is based on movies as well as music, and total guitar is also published monthly but is not of the same genre. My product is to be published monthly and is based on live gigs and performances, there is not another music magazine produce by this company of the same genre.
Main Task, task 18, Evaluation, Question 4
Main Task, task 18, Evaluation, Question 7

Looking back at my preliminary task I have developed more of an understanding towards audience preferences such as the content and colour scheme of my magazines. For the colour scheme of my music magazine I chose colours that were rated as my audience members favourite colours, whereas on the preliminary task I chose colours that I liked. By doing this I made my music magazine more attractive to the audience as it would have been more appealing to them as the colours used were chosen as their favourite.
Moreover, I had a better understand of the software and I was able to create better layouts, this was because I already had the idea of how I wanted my product to look and did not let the software dictate the layout to me, I was able to manipulate the layout to look more like a professional piece. This helped me to make my product seem more appealing to the audience.
Furthermore, I learnt about how creative I could be within the production as in the music magazine I used a basic layout and the images used have not been edited of manipulated in anyway. Whereas on my music magazine I have edited the images I used to make them fit into the style of the magazine for example, I edited my front cover image by cutting out the model used and putting him onto a plain background, as the background of the original picture did not anchor any part of my magazine and would have therefore looked odd as my front cover image.
Throughout the drafting process, I have changed the layout and style of my music magazine to make it look more professional, however the initial planning of my music magazine does not resemble the finished product in anyway. This was because I had to change my design to make it look more professional. Whereas in my school magazine I followed my design and everything on the finished product mirrors the layout that is on the sketches. By doing this I created more of a professional looking product, which in turn would help make my product more attractive to my audience.
I also learnt more about researching into other magazines. I did this so I could have a basic idea of the layout and content of existing music magazines and in turn be able to make my product more professional looking and appealing to the target audience. Whereas, in the production of my school magazine I conducted no research into existing magazines.
Main Task, task 13, Pictures Taken & Article For DPS

Picture Used
Article for DPS
The Genuine Articles, the best thing from Ireland since Guinness. Although they’re unsigned they rock the O2 Academy, Liverpool where we sent Gemma Wright to have a chat with them
The indie/pop four piece Genuine Articles, voted ‘best on MySpace’ by rocksellout.com, have been together for almost three years, half of the band is made up of brothers Hugh, lead vocals and guitar and Mo, bass, the other half is made up of James on lead guitar and Micky on drums. Three of the band being originally from Ireland, have moved over to Manchester, home town of James.
The Articles formed in 2007, originally started by Mo and Micky, who, according to Hugh, lead vocals, were ‘both shit’ and after he ‘was dragged into it’ they became better. Nothing like a bit of modesty! The unique name of the band was thought of the older brother of Hugh and Mo, only for the fact that Mo wanted the band to be called ‘The Mopaccinos’, then after ‘being quickly thrown out of the band then eventually being allowed back in’, their brother suggested the name ‘The Genuine Articles’ after announcing that he would disown his brothers and not come and see them play if they called themselves ‘The Mopaccinos’ and the name stuck from then on.
The bands main influences, lyrically, are bands like The Stone Roses and Oasis. Hugh, lead vocals, writes the music and lyrics for the band, says his inspirations for the songs are, ‘9 to 5 jobs, fucking everyday lives, people who call you an arsehole and people who use sun beds too much.’ This can be understood more after listening to their songs, as they sing about a cleaner from Poland, who Hugh thinks likes him, but she called him an ‘A-Hole’, taken from their song Magdalena.
They also believe that ‘there’s nothing really hard about being in a band’. According to Mo, the hardest thing for him is ‘carrying all the equipment.’ Mo says that going to college everyday and carrying his bass and the rest of his equipment up to the fifth floor of the flats where he lives, ‘pisses him off’, but on the other hand he says ‘it’s worth it’ and that he ‘loves it.’
The Articles who told me ‘gigs are what they live for’ said that ‘for the first five to ten minutes and a couple of hours before the gig they’re shitting themselves’ but they said that they love getting up and playing, especially at the likes of the academies, they say that when they get a good response from the crowd ‘it makes all the shitty gigs worthwhile.’ They also told us the story of their first gig in Manchester, and how the venue was the size of the dressing room we had the interview in, and how the bar wasn’t even open, and it would have been pointless to open it anyway as it had an empty fridge behind there. Hugh, lead vocals, said that ‘you hand to walk a mile to get a pint, no one was gonna come and watch us.’
I asked the band about them being currently unsigned and whether they send out any demos. Micky, the band’s drummer gave us his opinion on the matter of being signed, this is what he had to say, ‘I think it would be harder for people with a more obscure music sound, whereas we’re kinda indie-pop like, I’d say that’d be more popular in the charts and stuff, so if labels were lookin for people, I’d say they were lookin for indie music rather than heavy metal and all that sorta stuff, it’d be a wee bit harder for genres like that to get signed and get the backing from the labels.’ Hugh also added, that they don’t send demos out as they were told the best way to get signed is if you can get a headline at a gig, and sell out the place, but the band think they aren’t quite there yet.
Every member of the band has an everyday job that they have to manage and fit in all the band practices and gigs around their jobs. Hugh who teaches music and art, but is a supply teacher at the moment, says that he ‘can’t really teach, he’s just ‘bluffing’ he also said that ‘sometimes it can be difficult to manage both his career and the band.’ Mo, studies music in college and says the hardest thing is ‘carrying his equipment to his flat on the fifth floor because the lifts are broke.’ Micky, the fashionista of the band working in ‘Primarni’ said that ‘it was difficult to fit gigs around his hours at work’ because the band wanted to hit the student crowd most gigs would be during the week. James who is studying accountancy and ‘can’t even count to ten’ says that hardest thing is getting everybody together at the same time’. But because the band stick together they find a way to make it through surprisingly without a manager to take away any of the stresses.
The Irish descents have been together since mid 2007, and have apparently played ‘well over a hundred gigs’ but have never ‘attempted to count them all’, however, lead vocalist Hugh plays some single separate acoustic performances, back in Ireland, but has said that he ‘wouldn’t count them as gigs’ because he doesn’t play them with the rest of the band members. With their favourite place to play in England, being Liverpool, I was glad I chose the Capital of Culture to interview the guys. The Articles said they base their favourite places to play on how the place is set out and the sound systems they have there, but most the most important thing is the atmosphere of the crowd, ‘you’ve gotta love a scouser haven’t ya!’ is Mickey’s attitude on the citizens of Liverpool. And ‘back home in Ireland’ their favourite place to play is a bar called ‘Charlie’s’, simply because of the way it’s built. Easily pleased aren’t they!
The Articles were by far the nicest band that I’ve ever interviewed; with their enthusiastic attitude on going into gigs, and the appreciation they show their fans for coming to support them at the gigs. In my opinion, this is the band to watch over the next year or so.
If you would like to see the Articles live they are headlining at the O2 Academies in various places in the New Year, for more information visit: